
Tutorial: How to Add Adjustable Straps to Bella

Hi, Chauncey Williams here from Rare Bear Bows & Clothes and I am excited to be guest blogging for SLPco.  I’m a stay at home mom.  My days are a blur of therapy appointments, snacks, and potty training. The only time I find to sew is late at night while everyone else sleeps. 

It was 11pm and I was working on a Cinco de Mayo themed Bella for my daughter when I got to the strap length measurements.  I had forgotten to measure my daughter before putting her to bed!  She’s a solid 9/12m bodice and 18/24m length so I was unsure what strap length to go with. Panic started to set in.  I wanted to get this finished before morning and there was no way I was going to risk waking the little sleeping tornado.  Then it hits me: adjustable straps!  I had some plastic slide adjusters leftover from some bowties I made for a friend.  I dug them out and got to work.

The first thing I did was add 3” to the 9/12m strap length from the chart.  I figured this would give plenty of wiggle room.  Once you have your straps cut you need to weave one end through the slider. 


Fold the raw edge to the back and sew along the edge.  This will hold the slider in place. 


Next I cut (2) 2” pieces from an extra strap I had made.  I pinned each of the small pieces in a u-shape side by side along the center crease of my back bodice main fabric. Baste in place. 


Now pull your strap though with right side of strap facing right side of bodice main and slider at the top.


Fold the bottom end up and weave through the slider over the raw edge you stitched.