Gorgeous in Gauze by Shannon Fabrics….
I am so excited to share these creations with you today. Katie asked me if I’d like to help sew up some samples using the gorgeous Embrace double gauze from Shannon Fabrics. I had never worked with double gauze but had always been intrigued by it, particularly since my youngest 3 children have always loved gauze/muslin swaddling blankets.
I will be honest. I had a hard time wrapping my mind around using this beautiful fabric for clothing. But double gauze is not just for bibs, bedding, burp cloths, and swaddling blankets.
This is my last summer of rompers for this little one so I made a Baby Bella bodice with the Romper Add-On. While the gauze is very lightweight and breathable, I did not find it necessary to line the romper bottom since it is a very full bubble romper. I used gauze for both layers of my bodice fabric. I mostly followed the Bella tutorial as I would for any other fabric, but I omitted the bodice topstitching on both my garments. The gauze has a natural quilting in the weave as it is washed and I was worried the topstitching would look puckered when finished.
I love when fabric manufacturers take great care to create fabric lines that go nicely together. I love making coordinating outfits for my daughters without over the top matching.
For big sister, I made the girls’ version of the Bella included the ruffle! I did shorten my straps slightly after having her try it on because the gauze has a bit of vertical stretch due to the nature of the weave.
My middle daughter loves getting new dresses. She instantly fell in love with the butterfly print and I think the colors look stunning on her.
Speaking of stunning… here is a sneak of the gorgeous dress that Katie made that she is sharing over at Shannon Fabrics hop on over to the Shannon Fabrics “Sewciety” blog to read more about the Emma & Molly dresses made with the amazing “Embrace” Double Gauze….
want to win over 6 yards of amazing “Embrace” double gauze in various prints/ solids? Go to our Instagram page and enter.
Happy Sewing,