
KNIT BODICE ADD ON SEW ALONG DAY 1 The Simple Life Pattern company

Knit Bodice Add on Sew Along Day 2

Welcome to Day 2! Today we are going to sew up the adorable Bella Dress with the Knit Bella Bodice Add-On! If you haven’t sewn with knits before, don’t fret … this is a great dress to start on! First things first, if you are catching up on Day 1 or still need to grab a copy of any of the patterns featured in this sew-a-long, head on back to the Day 1 post where we’ve linked everything up for you. Don’t forget to use code SLPcoSAL to get 20% off. Now, if you are joining us for sewing up Bella and have all your pieces cut, let’s get sewing! Remember, you will need both the original Bella Pattern for the skirt/ruffle measurements AND the Knit Bella add-on patterns to complete this dress.KNIT BODICE ADD ON SEW ALONG DAY 1 The Simple Life Pattern companyKNIT BODICE ADD ON SEW ALONG DAY 1 The Simple Life Pattern company

We are going to start with your bodice pieces!

2 Straps

2 Front bodice pieces

2 Back bodice pieces

Katie’s tutorial is very thorough and easy to follow, so feel free to just take off with it! If you are following me, grab your straps! Make sure that you have your machine set on a stretch stitch. You can do the one that looks like a “double” stitch, or there’s the one I like, the “lightening” stitch (the angled zig-zag). So grab your straps, fold them in half right sides together (RST) and stitch up the side. If you find your machine eating your fabric, make sure you have a good tail of thread and start slightly in from the edge so that your feed dogs have enough fabric to catch and pull through. Once you have your straps stitched, you’ll need to turn them. They are pretty thin, so you can use one of those magic turner things – I hear they are fantastic, but I like to use my handy-dandy safety pin.KNIT BODICE ADD ON SEW ALONG DAY 1 The Simple Life Pattern company

If you want to add embellishments like lace or ruffles to the front bodice pieces, you may do so at this point. Now that your strap is ready, follow the pattern to sew up the front bodice pieces with the straps Before I trim any of the curves with my pinking shears, I like to go over the area where the straps attach to the bodice a couple of times to for added strength, especially for my rough and tumble 4 year old!KNIT BODICE ADD ON SEW ALONG DAY 1 The Simple Life Pattern company

Once you have that done, use the pattern to measure out the space on the back bodice where you will place the straps. Continue to follow the pattern to sew up the back bodice pieces together and soon you’ll have this! Before you turn it right side out, make sure you trim the curves on the front bodice … I like to use my pinking shears … so it lays flat nicely. (Guess what … you’re almost with the bodice. The hardest part is over!)

KNIT BODICE ADD ON SEW ALONG DAY 1 The Simple Life Pattern company

Now that you have this, you’ll want to attach the back and front bodice together per the pattern instructions. Make sure right sides are facing out and give this a good press.

KNIT BODICE ADD ON SEW ALONG DAY 1 The Simple Life Pattern company

Your bodice is DONE! How easy and fast was that?! After you have looked it over lovingly long enough, get your skirt fabric! Put your machine back to a regular stitch and sew up the side seams making certain the fabric is RST. (I know, it’s obvious, but I’ve sewn it wrong sides together before … don’t make the same mistake otherwise you’ll have a date with your seam ripper). Once that is done, finish the side seams and put a gathering stitch around the top of the skirt. If you are doing a ruffle on the skirt, follow the original Bella Pattern to add that now! Time Saving Tip: I like to press the hem prior to adding the bodice. I like that I don’t have the extra weight of the bodice when turning it around the ironing board, so pressing the hem goes much fasterKNIT BODICE ADD ON SEW ALONG DAY 1 The Simple Life Pattern company

Hold tight … we are almost DONE! Go and grab that gorgeous bodice because it’s time to attach it to the skirt. Make certain that your skirt is inside out and place the bodice inside with raw edges together. Make sure that the right sides are together. Remember that stretch stitch? That is the stitch you are going to use to attach the skirt and bodice. See the lightening stitch in the photo below? Using the stretch stitch allows the bodice and skirt to stretch without breaking any threads when you put the dress on your sweet girl!KNIT BODICE ADD ON SEW ALONG DAY 1 The Simple Life Pattern company

All you have to do now is finish that seam where the bodice and skirt attach. Make sure to sew up your hem. And there you have it. A gorgeous Knit Bodice Bella Dress of your very own! Make sure to add your photos in the Day 2 album in the Simple Life Patterns Fan Group. Tag your photos with #SLPcoknitSAL and #SLPcoknitBella when you load them.

Hope you had a great time sewing this with me! Stay tuned tomorrow when I will sew up a Knit Bodice Lucy with you. Until then, have a wonderful day!

~Katrina, Wild BumbleberriesKNIT BODICE ADD ON SEW ALONG DAY 1 The Simple Life Pattern company