
Scarlett Sewalong Day 1 | The Simple Life Pattern Company

Scarlett Sewalong: Day 1

We’ve got an exciting week ahead of us as we sew Scarlett together! We’ll break the steps of SLPco’s newest pattern into 5 days so that with a little work each day, you’ll have an adorable sun suit by Friday! If you miss a day, don’t worry! Just come over to the blog to find out what you missed. Prizes will be awarded at the end of the week for fan favorite and SLPco staff favorite!

Here’s is a breakdown of the week:

Day 1: Pick out fabric and cut pattern pieces

Day 2: Rolled hems or add decorative trim

Day 3: Attach ruffles and sew side seams

Day 4: Shirring or elastic casing

Day 5: Finishing touches and share

If you haven’t purchased Scarlett’s Sun Suit, that’s your first step for day 1. You can purchase the pattern here for 20% off during the sewalong.

Today might be the most difficult day 😉 You must decide if you will use fabrics you already own OR will you convince your significant other that nothing you have in your very small large fabric stash will work, and that fabric shopping is a must. I decided to be good and use fabrics I currently own…but let’s be honest, I have lots of new fabric coming to me this week! Hurry up mailman!

Here are the fabrics I chose:

If you haven’t already washed your fabrics, this is an important step you must do. Why? You want to make sure you pretreat your fabrics they way you will wash them once they are made into the sun suit. Washing and drying your fabric now ensures it won’t shrink later.

Print your pattern pieces.  If you are new to layered pattern pieces and want to find out how to use them, read this.  Cut out you fabric using your pattern pieces.  Although this photo doesn’t show all of my pieces cut out, you can get an idea of what my finished romper will look like 🙂

You are finished with day 1! Join us in the SLPco Fan Group Facebook page and share your progress each day!

See you tomorrow!
