Sophie Sew Along Day 1
Hi there! Welcome to our Holiday Sophie Sew-A-Long! I’m Katrina of Wild Bumbleberries and I will be your hostess. This week we will be sewing up Simple Life Pattern Company’s adorable Sophie Dress. The holidays are such a wonderful time to make special dresses for that special gal in your life, so we’ll be doing this week’s SAL with the Holiday’s in mind, but really, this just is just a darling piece for any occasion.
If you haven’t sewn the Sophie Dress before, you’ll want to join us for some fun! We’ll be going through a couple steps each day, walking you through a few details of the pattern with some photos of what should be done each day. I promise it will be easy going and you’ll love the result, plus there will be some great prizes at the end when we’re all done!
On that note, let’s go over what we’ll do each day!
Every day this week we will have a new blog post for you to follow along with us. Also, make sure to join us in the fan group where we will have daily albums to upload progress photos, ending on Day 5, when we will have a final photos album for voting!
Let’s get started! First you’ll want to make sure you have a copy of the Sophie Pattern. If you still need to purchase it, make sure you use code SOPHIESAL for 20% off the pattern through Wednesday, December 7. Head over here to grab it now!
Ok, so now that you have your pattern, let’s talk fabric! This is the hardest part, so take your time. You’ll want to pick a woven fabric for this … you could also go fancy with silk, taffeta, lace overlays. For this one, I chose to go with the new “Oh What Fun” holiday print by our fabulous sponsor, Hawthorne Threads. I had a hard time deciding on a colorway, so I let my 4 year old decide, and, of course, she chose pink. Either one would have been perfect, but I love the pink on her.
Next, you’ll want to print the pattern. One of the beautiful things about Simple Life Patterns is that you have the option to choose your size before you print. Click the layers section, pick your size and print away. Need help printing layers? Check out this BLOG POST on how to print just the sizes you need. Once you have that done, you’ll need to decide on your options:
Bodice: ruffle or simple, scoop back or v back, sash or no sash
Sleeve: sleeveless, flutter sleeve or long sleeve
Skirt: top or dress, simple or ruffled
Next you’ll want to tape up the pattern and cut out according to the options you chose. I chose to do a sleeveless, scoop back, ruffled bodice with a sash and a simple skirt.
That’s it for today! Whether you are choosing holiday fabric or other pretty fabric, I am so glad you joined us today. Make sure to tag your photos with #SLPcoSophie and #SophieSAL when you load them to the group albums. I’ll see you tomorrow for more!