Halloween Tag

Welcome to your one-stop-shop for Simple Life Patterns' Costumes and Halloween looks! To read more about how each of these costumes were created, simply click on the photo. Baby Mario This Baby Mario costume is made with two FREE costumes! Princess Peach Doing a family costume theme? Here's Princess Peach to compliment your Baby

Are you Kenough?! With these easy DIY Barbie Halloween costumes, you will be! Check out these simple tutorials on how to create your own Barbie look this spooky season. Movie Barbie First up, let’s take a look at the pink plaid beach outfit that Barbie wears in the new Barbie movie. Here’s

Have you seen the live-action little mermaid yet? I have two girls who are totally enamoured with the under sea fantasy world. And who could blame them? So today, I’m giving a tutorial on how to make circle bell bottoms for a mermaid costume. Materials: Tiffany’s Bow & Ruffle Leggings Pattern Fabric with

Welcome to our second Halloween segment of 2023! Today we have put together costumes from some of the most popular kids shows. First up, let’s take a closer look at this incredible Blippi costume! Blippi  This costume uses Maggie’s suspender shorts for the bottoms in a light gray cotton with the suspenders

Hi!  This is Tamar again with one last Star Wars themed costume for the 13 days of Halloween.  My daughters are slightly obsessed with star wars.  If you remember from my last blog, they even called their baby brother "baby yoda" before he was born.  So, how could he be

Hi!  Tamar here.  I’m back for another 13 days of Halloween post!  My kids have been a little bit obsessed with Star Wars for the last year or so.  They even called their baby brother “baby yoda” before he was born.  So, the great costume decision was super easy this

Hello everybody, this is Marieke from the Netherlands.There is still a month left, but Halloween is sooner then you can imagine!I’ll show you how you can make a witch costume in a pretty easy way, but with such a cool effect!You can use any dress pattern for it, knit or