
A River Hack: Simple Skirt Add-On

By now you have probably seen so many beautiful River crop tops, dresses and sweaters. This pattern is packed full of options, but we can always use one more, right? Today I want to share with you one of my favorite hacks I have seen so far! This is the simple skirt add on. This is where you add one long skirt instead of the tiered skirt.

Today I will share with you how to do this. This is a super simple hack and you will be doing this in no time!

Materials You’ll Need

Before you dive into the creative process, gather the following materials:

  • Kids River sewing pattern.
  • Fabric of your choice (for the sweater you will need knit and the skirt can be either knit or woven).
  • Sewing machine.
  • Thread.
  • Scissors.
  • Measuring tape.
  • Pins.

Choosing a Sweater Length

Next, choose the sweater length you would like:

Start by selecting a crop sweater or full length. In this tutorial I will be showing the crop length but you can also do the full length!

Choosing a Skirt Length

Next let’s decide the skirt length, start at either the waist or the hip (depending on if you chose the sweater length or crop top) and measure to where you want the skirt to end. Measure how long you want the skirt and add 1” for hem allowance and seam allowance. The skirt’s length is entirely up to you.  I choose right above the knee.

Preparing The Fabric

Select fabric for both the sweater and the skirt. The sweater fabric should be the same or coordinate well with the skirt fabric. Pre-wash and iron your fabric to prevent any shrinkage or distortion later on.

Cutting Out the Sweater Pieces

Cut out the sweater pieces following the instructions on the pattern.  You will need the front and back bodice, two sleeves, sleeve cuffs, either the neckband or hood, and the regular waistband, not the elastic.

Create the Skirt

Now let’s get started on the skirt!

To make the skirt, cut out two rectangular pieces of fabric. Using the width measurements from tier 1 for your selected size and the length you have chosen.

Sew/serge the sides together.

Hem the bottom of the skirt piece.

Add two rows of gathering stitches.

Gather your sweater to be the same width of your bodice.

Sew the Sweater

Assemble the sweater and add the simple skirt per the pattern instructions ignoring the instructions on how to add tiers.

With a bit of creativity and sewing skills, you can easily hack the River sewing pattern to incorporate a simple skirt, creating a stylish and unique outfit that fits your personal taste. Experiment with different fabrics, colors, and lengths to make this DIY fashion project truly your own. So, grab your sewing machine, your river pattern and let your inner fashion designer shine!
