Cricut’s new Iron-On Designs
Did you know that Cricut came out with Iron-On Designs. I am super excited to see these in their line up. Not everyone has the time/money for a cutting machine and sometimes all you want is a design or two every so often. If that sounds like you, these were made just for you. They are ready right out of the package! You can embellish t-shirts, bags, add a little pizzaz to those handmade dresses and so much more. There is such a huge selection to choose from too, with more designs on the way. You can choose from the “large” designs which are great for shirts, totes, sweaters, home dec…. or choose from the “small” designs which are great for numerous projects like baby clothes, shirts & embellishments….
This post is sponsored by Cricut All comments, recommendations and reviews are mine.#CricutIronOnDesigns #CricutMade #Cricut #ad
I decided to use these SUPER cheap tanks I stumbled upon at Walmart. Can you believe these were only $1.68! So yeah – I bought one of every color they had.
I love using my Cricut EasyPress and bring it out whenever I get the chance. You can visit Cricut’s website for the recommended heat settings. They do vary between substrates so keep this link handy if you like plan on using the iron on designs on multiple types of fabrics.You don’t have to use an EasyPress with these, they also come with recommended household iron settings.
For these particular tanks, I used the polyester settings which is 340 degrees with the EasyPress Mat. It also recommended you “pre heat” the fabric for 5 seconds, place your design and then press for 30 seconds. Turn your tank wrong sides out and do the “post heat” on the back of the design for 15 seconds. They also state that these are cold peel so be sure to let them cool completely before peeling the liner off (my FAVORITE part!!!). If you are using a household iron or a towel instead of the EasyPress Mat, you will want to check that link above for the correct settings.
Even if you don’t have an EasyPress, and plan on doing iron on’s here and there, I strongly recommend the EasyPress Mat. We did all 4 tanks one right after the other and not once did the heat go through the mat to my painted wood table. This is great if you don’t have a designated ironing place or like to travel with your sewing projects, so it is very versatile. (Or if you are like me and your ironing board is so stained and embarrassing, you don’t dare show it to the world…. haha)
My girls are really into music right now, they even got Ipods/ Ipads for their birthdays so they would leave mine alone. So I decided to go with the whole music theme for their tanks. Cricut sent an amazing variety but these were my daughters favorites for our theme were were going for.
Okay – so now you know what you are supposed to do – lets start pressing! My girls really wanted to make their own shirts so I gave them a safety lesson and let them go for it. Here is my oldest Emma making her first shirt. The two older girls each made 2. Now they want to put the iron on designs everywhere…. did I just create monsters???? hehehe.
Here is my lovely Rayann pressing her Colorful Guitars iron on in place. They loved doing this on their own and the fact that the EasyPress has a timer made it really easy for them to follow the time limits (because lets face it – they get sidetracked every 3 seconds….)
We decided after they made their first shirts, they should wear them for some pictures. I just adore these girls.
And the best part……. peeling the film off. It is just so satisfying.
I am always looking for a good deal so these $1.68 tank tops plus the adorable iron on designs were a huge hit. And the fact that they made them, makes the girls love their tanks even more. The iron on designs are fun way to spice up nearly anything. And the fact that my kids can use them too, makes them feel so proud. So if you are ever in a pinch for a last minute birthday, housewarming, baby shower gift, grab some pre designed iron ons from Cricut and press them in place. People don’t have to know it only took you about a minute to make it – hehe.
What type of designs would you like to see from Cricut? I know I would LOVE more sewing themed designs – because I am that person that rocks all the funny sewing sayings on shirts… I am that cool.
How to care for items made with the iron ons. Allow 24 hours before washing. Wash and tumble dry inside out. If you need to iron, iron with the item inside out. Don’t bleach.
Emoji’s are the cool thing right now so the girls just love this tank.
Rayann is my hippie girl. She will sing her heart out, dance like no on is watching and just hang out. This guitar was perfect for her.
Of course I have to add a few fun ones. I love Rayann’s toothless smile.
Happy Shopping,
Katie Skoog
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Cricut. The opinions and text are all mine.