Sapphire With A Twist
Hello fellow sewists!
Who else is excited about fall sewing?! I love sewing up all the cozy fall transition pieces! Sapphire is the perfect fall pattern, because it looks so good in lightweight jersey knits and sweater knits. I decided to give Sapphire a little twist (literally) this fall. I love Sapphire, and I love it even more with a twist knot hem! Find the girl’s Sapphire Sweater pattern HERE.

Read on to learn how to add a twist knot hem to your Sapphire. It’s actually easier than it looks!
First, cut a three inch strip off the bottom of your front pattern piece.

Rotate the strip, and tape it to the bottom of your pattern as shown.

When you cut your fabric, add a few inches to the bottom of your 3 inch strip to account for the twist. (You can trim it later if it’s too long)

Hem the inside edges of your tails with a ¼” inch hem.

Cross the left tail (as you look at your piece) over the right tail.

Cross the (now) left tail over the (now) right tail.

Slide the raw edges of the tails directly upward to meet the raw edges of the sweater hem.

Flip the tails up so the sweater and band are right sides together. Pin and sew the raw edges together with a ¼” seam allowance.

Flip the band back down and press. Trim the ends of the tails to match the side seams if needed

Finish the sweater construction according to the pattern instructions. (Hint: before sewing the side seams, match up the front and back at the side seams and hem the back to match the length of the front.)
I just love the look of this twist knot hem.

Enjoy your new Sapphire with a twist!

This lovely fabric comes from Minnesewta Stitchin’. It is a dream to sew, and it washes and wears amazingly well.