
Simple Life Company | Meet the Team Stevey Taylor SLPco Social Media Team Staff Company

Getting to know the SLPco team – Stevey Taylor

Hi there – I’m Stevey Taylor and I’m super excited to officially join the SLPco team. I started testing for Becca and Katie last year and helped them establish the new Simple Life Designer Showcase which has been amazing. Now I will be taking on a new role helping out with social media, sew alongs and whatever else I can!
I have been married to my husband, Mark, for 8 years this fall and together we have two children, Evelynn and Josephine. Evelynn actually starts Kindergarten TODAY! So we are entering a whole new stage of life! I have stayed home with them since Evelynn was born but have a Master’s in Social Work and worked with children and families struggling with mental illness for about 6 years before that.
I keep myself sane by sewing for my small shop, S Taylor Threads. I find it to be a good release and a way to maintain a sense of self while raising young children. Sewing and creating has always been a part of my life and I’m glad to have found a home with SLPco to continue this passion!
What do you watch/listen to while sewing?
Every terrible old series on Netflix I can find. I did make the mistake of watching “Switched at Birth” over the winter while sewing which proved to be a challenge since half of the show is in ASL and subtitles…
How long have you been sewing?
I remember sewing pretty young, my mother, grandmother and aunts always sewed so I was around a sewing machine early in life.
What is the first thing you can remember making?
I helped my mom make baskets and baskets of “scrunchies” and draw string bags for one of my birthday party favors in grade school.
What’s your favorite part about being a maker?
I love seeing something and figuring out how to make it myself. Although I always loved creating things, I took a liking to sewing lounging pants for myself in high school because my legs were too long for store bought pajama pants. I love that I can make things tailored to my needs – after recently making a size 3 width and 6 length pants for my oldest daughter I realize just how useful that is!
What is your favorite substrate to work with and why?
That’s a toss up. I like working with knit because it’s quick, fun and my kids love wearing their knit clothing. The embellishments possible with woven, however, draw me to woven fabrics as well. I used Voile for the first time last year and LOVE it. It’s easy to work with but it flows and lays so nicely!
What is your all-time favorite creation?
Well that’s really tough to nail down. The pieces that have the most meaning for me are probably the flower girl dresses I sewed with my mother and grandmother for my wedding in 2010. My nieces wore them for my wedding and my daughter was able to wear one of them to a father daughter dance a couple years ago as well.
In one word sewing is _______?
What notion could you not live without?
Well here’s the thing – when “notions” are on sale at Joanns I basically NEVER know what’s actually on sale. So if a seam ripper is a notion…who can live without one?
What’s your favorite season?
I live in upstate NY so of course Fall is my favorite season. It’s not too hot and not too cold. The cider mills and apple orchards open up and if you’ve never had a cider donut then you haven’t lived! The changing colors of the leaves of course and then who doesn’t love fall clothing? Oh and it’s finally time to break out the cute riding boots! So yeah, FALL!
What’s your go-to coffee order?
I love an iced caramel macchiato but on a regular basis I’m good with an iced coffee and two creams 🙂
What other hobbies do you enjoy when you’re not sewing?
I play volleyball in a “washed up high school athletes” league and my family loves boating together.
What is the funniest thing that has happened to you recently?
I have two children, every day is funny and usually involves potty humor so I’ll spare you ha.
If you could only choose one song to play every time you walked into a room for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Haha – who thought of this one??? I’m loving “Girls Like You” by Adam Levine right now but lets be honest – I only listen to Kids Bop so who am I to make this decision?