Pattern Hack Tag

Hello everybody, this is Marieke from the Netherlands.There is still a month left, but Halloween is sooner then you can imagine!I’ll show you how you can make a witch costume in a pretty easy way, but with such a cool effect!You can use any dress pattern for it, knit or

Hey everyone!  A few weeks back Tasha over at Sewn At Seams posted Lorelei and Aria mash-up in our Facebook Fan Group and it was so cute.  Today she is sharing her tutorial on how to create the adorable Bow Back Lorelei Swimsuit. Don't forget the Lorelei Flutter Cutout Swimsuit is the Pattern of the

Hey y'all!  You guys I can't even!!!!!  My heart is so happy right now, seeing this gorgeous hack. During testing of the Lorelei's Flutter Side Cut out Swimsuit, one of our amazingly talented testers, Rebecca,  added the flutter to the neckline.  Her interpretation of the pattern is so on point and trendy.